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The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 91-238
Original Articles
Reconceptualizing Finlandization: Fear, Autonomy, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions
Woonju Roh, Jaechun Kim and Dong Suk Park
The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 91-112
The United Arab Emirates and Israel Joint Declaration of Normalization: A Plausible Irrevocable Commitment
Esmaeil Mazloomi
The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 113-151
Exploring the Nature and Dynamics of Contemporary Civic Activities in Russia
Alexander Sokolov , Sung Hoon Jeh and Won Geun Choi
The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 153-178
Shaping Perceptions, One Post at a Time: Military Public Diplomacy of the U.S. and Its Influence on Host Country Sentiments
Jacqueline Sutton and Sijeong Lim
The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 179-209
From the Only A-Bombed Country to Global Peace Advocate: Japan’s Diplomatic Identity Change in the Struggle for Recognition
Seunghee Oh
The Korean Journal of International Studies 22-2 (August 2024), 211-238
The Korean Journal of International Studies (KJIS) is the official journal of the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS). It is a triannual peer-reviewed academic journal covering global and regional affairs and theoretical debates in the field of international relations and area studies. The KJIS ......
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Bridging the Theoretical Gap between Public Diplomacy and Cultural Diplomacy
Hwajung Kim
Received February 10, 2017; Accepted June 13, 2017.
Understanding the Structures and Contents of National Interests: An Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling
Charles Chong-Han Wu
Received May 30, 2017; Accepted September 14, 2017.
The Making of a Cold War Turning Point: The Sino-Soviet Split and the Prelude to Detente with the United States, 1965-1968
Jein Do
Received March 31, 2014; Accepted June 5, 2014.

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